
Monday, June 28, 2010

Pondering Quotes

I found this quote and have been pondering it ever since!

God is not always silent, and man is not always blind. In every man's life there are moments when there is a lifting of the veil at the horizon of the known, opening a sight of the eternal.... But such experiences are rare events. To some people they are like shooting stars, passing and unremembered. In others they kindle a light that is never quenched.
It just struck me today after experiences this week and I wanted to share. Not sure why but there it is and do with it as you like. Perhaps it will cause you to pause and open your eyes to see glimpses of heaven!

P.S. I took this picture at my dad's house at sunset. It does make me think of the quote above..."a lifting of the veil at the horizon of the known, opening a sight of the eternal"...hmmm


  1. Beautiful picture and beautiful words! I'm continually amazed at how you are searching to find the meaning that God most certainly has in this for you.

  2. This is awesome Cammie! Good job. Keep it up. I think this will be very therapudic!
